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整编:湖南成人高考网 日期:2019-12-24 10:03:24 阅读:   在线咨询+

1. Let’s leave the matter as it is ___A_____, but we can discuss it when we are both free.

  A. for the moment B. at the moment C. in a moment D. for a moment

  2. A terrible earthquake happened in some area of the country last night, _B__ cities and villages ___.

  A. left, ruin B. leaving, in ruins C. and leave, ruins D. left, in ruins

  3. --Do you think the football players played very well last night? -- ___D_______.

  A. They were not nervous at all B. They were still young

  C. They played naturally D. They couldn’t have done better

  4. Your failure, in my opinion, lies in the _A____ of self-confidence.

  A. lack B. sense C. regret D. prevention

  5. --Mike suggests a camping trip this weekend. I think it is a good idea. -- ___A_______

  A. Perhaps, but what about sightseeing along the seashore?

  B. I usually spend my weekends with my grandparents.

  C. I’ll talk about it with Mike later.

  D. Why, are you usually free on weekends?

  6. --What makes you think that we will give up our goal? -- __D_____.

  A. Because you are alone doing your job

  B. I think things are different from what used to be

  C. Your behavior seems to indicate that

  D. The comment on your recent speech at Rains Fords University

  7. We all think it no good _B____ computer games all the time; you will fall behind in your study.

  A. to play B. playing C. being played D. to playing

  8. --Doctor, am I dying soon? -- __B____. Things are not as bad as you imagine.

  A. Look up B. Cheer up C. Stand up D. Warm up

  9. --Is it necessary that he __B__ to Qingdao but to Weihai?

  --I agree, but the problem is _____ he has refused to.

  A. will not be sent, that B. not be sent, that

  C. should not be sent, what D. should not send, what

  10. I enjoy the movie very much. I wish I __B___ the book from which it was made.

  A. have read B. had read C. should have read D. am reading

  11. Be careful! Don't_A_ the cups to the ground.

  A. drop B. fall C. make D. throw

  12.—What do you think of the bookshop in our school?

  —It's _B_to be a good one.

  A. told B. said C. spoken D. talked

  13. I'm _D__to the film this evening. Will you ____with me?

  A. coming ;come B. going; going C. coming; go D. going; go

  14. Scientists around the world are working hard to __B__a cure for Aids.

  A. invent B. discover C. look D. search

  15. Mrs. King has visited the art museum. I am going to _A_her somewhere else this afternoon.

  A .take B. bring C. push D. carry

16.—Nancy, don't always _A_that old jacket. It looks terrible.

  —But I think it's cool, Mom.

  A. wear B. dress C. put on D .take off

  17. It's raining heavily. We have to _A__the sports meet.

  A. put off B. join in C. hold on D. take part in

  18. He didn't stop _B_in the heavy rain. That is why he caught a bad cold.

  A. to work B. working C. work D. worked

  19. If you want to improve your English, you'd better practice _C__it every day.

  A. speak B. to speak C. speaking D. spoken

  20. Are you going __C__with us tomorrow? I heard there are a lot of fish in the lake.

  A. swim B. fish C. fishing D. swimming

  21.—Do you like playing soccer, Mike?

  —Not really. But I often watch my friends _A_on weekends

  A. play B. are playing C. to play D. played

  22. Chinese is one of the official languages _D_at the UN meetings

  A. use B. is used C. using D. used

  23. On my way home yesterday, I suddenly heard my name_B___.

  A. calling B. called C. call D. to call

  24. Supermarkets are necessary. People usually spend less time _A_things they want, but they usually spend more on things that they don't need.

  A. finding B. to find C. found D. finds

  25. There is still an hour left. You don't need_B__.

  A. hurry B. to hurry C. hurrying D. hurried

  26.I was very sad when he made it clear that he __C__the company soon.

  A. leaves B. left C. would leave D. had left

  27. Jack told Mary he ____some snacks to her house if he __C_to see her on Friday night.

  A. would bring; would go B. brought; would go

  C. would bring; went D. brought; went

  28. Henry and Julia aren't there. They _B_to a wonderful beach.

  A. have been B. have gone C. will go D. went

  29. Don't make so much noise. I _A_light music.

  A. am listening to B. listen C. listen D. have listened to

  30.—What’s your brother doing?

  —He _C_ science fiction.

  A. reads B. read C. is reading D. was reading

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