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整编:湖南成人高考网 日期:2019-12-24 10:04:45 阅读:   在线咨询+


  1. The girl me if her composition was well done.

  A. answered B. said to

  C. asked D. told

  2. As he was still hungry, he started to something to eat.

  A. find B. find out

  C. look for D. look

  3. Robots can’t completely humans though they are very clever.

  A. take the place of

  B. take place

  C. instead

  D. instead of

  4. Knock at the door, before you the room.

  A. enter into B. come in

  C. go to D. enter

  5. You look sleepy. You’d better .

  A. go to bed B. be asleep

  C. sleep D. go to sleep

  6. When did you from Beijing tomorrow?

  A. leave B. begin

  C. start D. leave for

  7. I have English book but he has two English books.

  A. one B. a C. an D./

  8. She a present from him, but did not it.

  A. accepted…receive B. received…accept

  C. got…receive D. received…get

  9. We have week’s holiday next week.

  A. an all B. a all

  C. a whole D. an whole

  10. There are no trees in this poor area.

  A. hardly B. nearly

  C. mostly D. almost

  11. “Will you give this message to Mr White, please?”

  “Sorry, I can’t. He doesn’t work here ”

  A. any longer B. any long

  C. no more D. no longer

  12. This kind of paper is made wood.

  A. in B. of C. from D. by

  13. My father is an/a worker

  A. ordinary B. common

  C. usual D. usually

  14. The postman comes to our school .

  A. every day B. everyday

  C. everydays D. each day

  15. You must keep in the reading-room.

  A. still B. quiet

  C. quite D. quietly

  16. After supper, he went on his homework.

  A. do B. doing

  C. did D. does

  17. Do you know the girl sitting the bus?

  A. in front of B. in the front of

  C. in front D. at front of

  18. Hurry up, there is little time .

  A. to leave B. leave

  C. left D. leaving

  19. Let me take look at your photo, please.

  A. the other B. other

  C. others D. another

  20. It me about an hour to go to work every day.

  A. spends B. takes

  C. cost D. pay



  My brother, Bob, has a very good job at a bank. Last week, to my surprise, he told me that he had decided to give it up. I tried hard to make him change his mind, but Bob wouldn’t listen to me. Here is the dialogue between us.

  --You should think it over. You’ve already spent five years there and you might become a bank manager by the time you’re thirty.

  --I know. I’m satisfied with the bank. It’s a nice job at a nice place.

  --Then why do you want to leave?

  --It’s the money.

  --But you are well paid.

  --I don’t mean that. My job is to count money, you know. I feel unhappy when I do that.

  --But why?

  --I enjoy counting my own money, but I hate counting other people’s.

  1. What did Bob tell the writer last week?

  A. He would be thirty years old soon.

  B. He would be a manager of the bank.

  C. He wouldn’t work at the bank.

  D. He would enjoy counting other people’s money.

  2. What did the writer do after he heard Bob’s decision?

  A. He said nothing.

  B. He agreed with Bob.

  C. He was glad to hear that.

  D. He did his best to make Bob change his mind.

  3. What does Bob think of his job and the bank?

  A. He hates working in the bank. B. He thinks he is poorly paid.

  C. He likes his job and the bank. D. He doesn’t like his manager at all.

  4. If Bob went on working at the bank, he might .

  A. give the writer a lot of money B. become a bank manager

  C. make many friends at the bank D. listen to the writer

  5. The real reason for Bob to leave the bank is that .

  A. he likes to do something else B. he doesn’t think the bank is a nice one

  C. he hates his manager D. he hates counting other people’s money


  Radio and television are very popular in the world today. Millions of people watch television. More people listen to the radio.

  The TV is, of course, more useful than the radio. On the TV you can see and hear what is happening. This is especially important with international events.

  However, the radio is not disappearing. It is still with us. And the number of listeners becomes larger. One reason for this is the invention of the transistor set. A transistor is sometimes very small. It is very easy to carry about. You put one in your pocket when you go to work. You can listen to news broadcasts or radio lessons on the bus. You can listen to them on your bike. You can put your own transistor set beside your pillow when you go to bed. You can take it down to the beach or riverside when you go to swim. Besides, radio broadcasts are better for blind people. And the sight of many old people is not good enough to watch television. Then when people are working, they cannot watch television, but they can always listen to music (in the fields, for instance. on the radio. What’s more, a television set is rather expensive. Not every family can have one. But a transistor set is much cheaper.

  However, more and more people are buying TV sets. While you sit comfortably before the TV set in your own living room, you not only hear but also see what is happening in many places in the world.

  6. In the world today, more people ________.

  A. watch television B. listen to the radio

  C. go to the cinema D. neither watch TV nor listen to the radio

  7. With the development of TV, ________.

  A. the price of TV is going down

  B. the people listening to the radio are becoming fewer and fewer

  C. the radio is disappearing

  D. the radio listeners are not becoming fewer and fewer

  8. Which is the TV’s shortcoming?

  A. It gives you not only sound but also pictures.

  B. Blind people and old people with poor eyesight can’t watch TV.

  C. TV’s price is rather high for many families, so not every family can have a TV set.

  D. You can watch important international events on the TV.

  9. Which is the radio’s strong point?

  A. It is not as expensive as a TV set.

  B. It is small and light for listeners to take everywhere with them.

  C. A radio listener can listen to the radio while working no matter how poor their eyesight is.

  D. all of the above

  10. The best title for the passage should be ________.

  A. Radio and Television

  B. A Transistor Set

  C. Radio’s Strong Points

  D. TV’s Future


  Mrs. Black was having a lot of trouble with her skin, so she went to see the doctor. He could not find anything 21 with her, and sent her to a hospital for some 22 . The hospital, of course, sent the results straight to Mrs. Black’s doctor, and the next morning he 23 her to give her a list of the things that he thought she should not 24 , as any of them might be the 25 of her skin trouble.

  Mrs. Black wrote all the things down on a piece of paper, she left it beside the telephone and then she went out to a meeting.

  When she got back home two hours later, she found that her husband 26 for her. He had a big basket 27 of packages beside him, and said ,“Hello, dear. I’ve done all the shopping for 28 .”

  “Done all my shopping?” she asked in surprise.“But how did you know 29 I wanted?”

  “Well when I got home, I found your shopping list beside the telephone, so I went to the shops and 30 everything you had written down.”

  ( )1. A. right B. wrong C. mistake D. bad

  ( )2. A. tests B. medicine C. reason D. time

  ( )3. A. told B. asked C. taught D. phoned

  ( )4. A. drink B. smell C. taste D. eat

  ( )5. A. cause B. reason C. result D. way

  ( )6. A. waiting B. was waiting C. had waited D. wait

  ( )7. A. fill B. filling C. full D. fulled

  ( )8. A. the doctor B. us C. me D. you

  ( )9. A. what B. that C. which D. /

  ( )10.A. but B. bought C. had bought D. buying



  1-5 CCADA 6-10 CABCD

  11-15 ACAAB16-20 BBCDB


  1—5 CDABD 6—10 BDCDA


  1-5 BADDA 6-10 BCDAB

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